| Click an image to enlarge  Birds, insects, and other wildlife of northern New England. Painted in acrylic, watercolor, and pastel.  wood duck $400
 drifting $950
 damsel alighted $300
 tidal pool $300
 bug on a berry $650
 tree swallow $400
 under the pier $375
 Barred owl $300
 Red-winged blackbirds $300
 crossing $1,100
 cormorants $900
 sand bar $700
 bluejays at breakfast $900
 Downy Woodpecker $300
 Goldeneyes on the move $300
 chickenscape $700
 early birds $300
 vacancy $450
 mantis $750
 Deer in Spring $600
 Deer in Autumn $900
 Eye of the Mink $300